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"I’m not...afraid...of you," Victorio mumbled, and for once, he was being honest. Xa’baar’s cock forced its way further inside of his ass, sending jolts of pleasure racing down his spine. The feeling of Haltrax’s mouth on his cock felt downright divine. He lavished the tip of his cock with his warm tongue, teasing Victorio’s balls to the point Victorio feared he’d come too soon. It all felt so good, so out of this world, so good in fact Victorio felt his resolve crumbling in an instant.
"Why are you...crying, Belima’ar?" Xa’baar went rigid as tears rolled onto the back of his hand. Haltrax pulled away, staring up at Victorio in disbelief.
Shit. Victorio hadn't realized he was crying. A wave of shame hit him, hard. What did I expect? I chose between shitty and shittery options. Be grateful you're still alive, dumbass! Be grateful their hot and know how to hit the right spots! Be grateful...
"What is dumb-ass?" Xa’baar asked, obviously concerned.
Victorio flinched in shock. He just said all of that out loud. Shit!
Unable to hold back any longer, Victorio burst into tears, allowing their auras to blanket him as he cried his eyes out. There gentleness sent him over the edge, disarmed him, opened up a part of his heart and mind he thought he buried long ago. Wanting to be wanted, waiting to be loved, Victorio knew those god awful feelings all too well. Always the third wheel, never the first choice, but that was okay with him when every day felt like his last. Then came X with his sweet talk and promises of eternal affection. As long as he was safe and given the pretense of love, Victorio thought he could fuck and suck and ignore away the guilt and regret of leaving behind everything, risking his life on a wing and a prayer. That’s what he thought, up until now, when he was about to seal his fate and put his future in the hands of total strangers.
"...The mating will be bad. Let us stop, Haltrax." Xa’baar said, pulling out of Victorio’s ass with some effort as his cock had swollen impossibly big. Haltrax released Victorio’s cock and stood, nodding in agreement. This time, Xa’baar swept Victorio into his arms as Haltrax followed. They entered the room beside the shower pod, and sure enough it was a large bedroom. Xa’baar lay Victorio down onto a blanket of black furs before joining him on the floating bed. Haltrax slide behind Victorio, boxing him in. Soon, the gnawing ache in Victorio’s bones was replaced by the warmth of his men that settled into his core. Trust was a foreign concept to Victorio, but he had to put his faith in his husbands, because now they held the key to his future. Xa'baar and Haltrax didn't have to love him, he assured himself, as long as they never let him go. Victorio wouldn’t let his emotions rule him forever. Though, that night, Victorio allowed himself to feel the weight of the galaxy on his shoulders, fearing the day his past caught up with him, as he fell asleep.
Deltrax, Sector VX19
Ilaura’s and Vuron’s Private Quarters
Haltrax detested the sniveling thing his mate dared to bring into their union. Well, at least that’s what Haltrax told himself as he fiercely stroked his rock hard cock in the shower. He imagined his mate and the huemon were with him, their sweaty bodies pressed together, fucking as Vic’tor called it. His green corona fanned out around him, blazing hot, at the apex of what could be his last prime. The heat would not leave him until his cock was buried inside of a goa’o, One Who Can Bear Fruit. As an a’tuck, One Who Seeds the Field, he could not give birth unless forced to by the will of the universe and transformed. During other mating seasons, his primal urge to mate was quenched by his fated, Xa’baar, a goa’o. But his time to bear fruit had come and past, and no matter how much they coupled, they found no relief. That’s what Vic’tor had been brought to do, to quench their hunger with his body. But five lunar rotations had come and past, and he would not open for them!
"Ugh!" Haltrax gritted his teeth, disgusted with himself as he came into the palm of his hand. He’d promised himself he wouldn’t be swayed by a foreign goa’o, and here he was imagining his cock buried inside of his ass just to get off. He wanted to tie the foreigner down, ram his cock in both of his holes, and mate into the wee hours of the night. Even now, he could smell Victorio’s desire, as if he was one of them. His corona was nonexistent, but Haltrax imagined it was a bright blue in color, their hearts merging as one as their union blossomed.
A voice appeared in his mind, We must give even more than we take, fated.
Scoffing, Haltrax finished his shower and dried off, beaming into Xa’baar’s mind, Yes, we have given much and received nothing in return. Vic’tor is useless! My cock might fall off before our prime is over!
That elicited a laugh, a rare sound these days. True, but we were enemies before we became lovers too. Give Belima’ar a chance, hm? If not for me, do it for us. He is frightened, and he has every right to be so. You saw the marks on his body, the bruises, the brand. Wherever he came from, he was terrorized. It is our duty to protect him, be it as mates or Rangers. Only a harmonious union bears fruit! Give him a chance.. Follow my voice... Come and see for yourself what our household could be LIKE...
Haltrax paused mid-stepped as he exited the shower pod, only a towel wrapped around his waist. True, he despised whoever hurt Vic’tor more than he hated the thought of the huemon being with them. No one in their right mind would treat a goa’o with such contempt and get away with it on Deltrax. Goa’o’s were too far and few in-between. Haltrax followed the sound of his fate’s voice down the tunnel connecting their weapon vault to their private quarters. There, he found Xa’baar chatting with Vic’tor as they wandered through the maze of weaponry. Vic’tor was wide-eyed like a skittish bertiuk’s cub, and smiling. Haltrax dropped a month’s worth of credits to outfit Vic’tor with a translation device, and upgrade Xa’baar’s and his, so they could communicate with each other like civilized beings. Moments like this made the purchase worth it.
You and I must treat Vic’tor with care and keep our distance, Xa’baar said after the incident in the shower pod five lunar rotations ago. Now, Haltrax agreed. It was one thing to weep at the height of pleasure, but the sight of the goa’o’s tears five moons ago unnerved Haltrax more than he liked to admit. Victorio was strong-willed and charming, if a bit insufferable at times. He looked nothing like the hologram he sent over, but now Haltrax realized he may have been ashamed of his appearance. He was handsome, but scarred. Curious, but used to hardships and disappointment if his reactions were anything to go off. Vic’tor never allowed Haltrax to come close to him, but Xa’baar was almost breathing down his neck. It was a testament to Xa’baar’s patience eating away at the barriers Vic’tor put up around him. Haltrax needed to exercise the same level of patience, and as much as he hated to admit it, give Vic’tor a chance.
"What does this do?" Vic’tor let his fingers graze the cold metal of a standard issue phaser.
"Vaporize our enemies." Haltrax stated, stepping out from the shadows. Vic’tor froze, retreating behind Xa’baar. His reaction enraged Haltrax who counted backwards to calm himself down. He would never treat a goa’o with contempt, offworlder or not! Still, his anger would only cause Vic’tor to become more afraid. Remember, he is not attacking your honor, he is reacting out of habit.
"...Hardcore." Victorio continued to walk, lips quirked up in a half smile, wearing a long white shirt insulated with fur.
"Do you enjoy weapons?" Xa’baar chimed in, wearing a matching outfit.
"I liked to tinker with the old tech offworlders dumped on my planet. Sometimes I refurbished vehicles and weapons for...m-my old boss." Victorio said as he moved around holographic displays of their inventory.
"A mechanic?" Haltrax inquired, coming up beside him.
"Sort of…" Vic’tor trailed off, eyeing his erection straining against his towel, "Should I take care of this before the festival? You know, a blowjob at least? Ba said you and him would lose your minds if I didn’t put out soon. With all the noise y’all make at night, I figured I wasn’t needed..."
A wave of magnetic energy hit Haltrax like
a ton of bricks as Vic’tor curled his hand into a loose fist, moving it back and forth in front of his lips. He stared at Vic’tor, astonished, before turning to his mate who was already removing his robe.
How— Haltrax was interrupted before he could send his full message to Xa’baar.
Let's just say I regaled him with tales of wonder of our moon, Delnon, this morning. He’s eager to enjoy the festival, to see the stars and get out of this cave. And I said it would be hard to travel without some relief on our end. I did not demand anything of him; he offered to relieve us once you woke up. I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Trust is hard for our fated; he understands our relationship to be transactional in nature at the moment, regrettably, Xa’baar responded with a sigh.
Manipulative? That’s unlike you. But, I’m not complaining. I’ve been trying to touch him ever since the...incident. I’ll enjoy what I can get. Haltrax swept aside the holograms above the command center in the center of the roo, and assumed his place on top the table. Xa’baar set beside him in all his naked glory as Vic’tor went to work. Haltrax wanted to bend him over the table, fucking him hard as Xa’baar pounded Haltrax’s ass. But a....blowjob would do for now. During the festival, when they were doused in the aroma of thousands of goa’os and a’tucks, they would have more than enough time to explore each other’s bodies.
Haltrax let his head roll back as the Vic’tor swallowed his cock, working Xa’baar’s shaft with his free hand. He went back and forth between them, his ass clenching and bobbing in the air as he took their cocks to the hilt. It took everything in Haltrax not to slam the goa’o’s throat. He was so wet and so warm, and it felt just right. Soon, he couldn’t hold back any longer as he came, grabbing the back of Vic’tor’s head so he could swallow his load. When he was finished, he let go, and Vic’tor pulled his cock out with a wet popping sound. A trail of green come dribbled down his lips as he turned, mouth wide open, as Xa’baar pumped his purple load into his willing mouth. The ranger’s set back, spent for now. But nothing would stop the mating urge during their prime aside from being inside of the goa’o’s ass.
"So…" Vic’tor said after wiping off his mouth with the back of his hand, "about that festival?"
"Request granted." Xa’baar slid off the table, his cock already erect, grinning like a fool.
Wait, Haltrax entered his fated’s mind, What about the logs? We have to check them before we leave.
We will when we return. He is eager, and we may have a chance to go further with him. I know you need to mate even more than I do, Xa’baar countered.
Haltrax hesitated as he slid off the desk as well, his cock painfully erect seconds later. He always checked his starlog before leaving their private quarters. The idea of abandoning his routine seemed foolish when they could all just mate right here and forget the festival altogether.
"Haltrax," the goa’o asked, his expression uncertain as he hovered near the mouth of the tunnel with Xa’baar beside him.
"...Let us go. Work can wait. The Tri-Lunar Festival only comes around once a celestial cycle." He flashed a gentle smile at Vic’tor and Xa’baar. Sex was a powerful drug, and truth be told, they could go a few hours without checking the logs. In that moment, Haltrax realized why he’d been so afraid of Vic’tor’s arrival. It was common to see unions dissolve when a new mate was added, disturbing traditional bonds. He’d been wary that a shiny new mate would spell disaster for his relationship with Xa’baar. Far from it, Vic’tor’s presence gave him a renewed sense of purpose. For the first time in a very long time, Haltrax pictured growing old with his beloved, and that was because of the alien goa’o. Vic’tor representing their last shot at a future together, Xa’baar and him. A heart can love endlessly. Haltrax never understood what the elders meant by that saying until now. What he felt for Vic’tor was more like lust than love, but it in no way diminished his feelings for Xa’baar. Xa’baar felt the same way, of this, Haltrax was certain.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!" Vic’tor grinned, and it was the first time Haltrax witnessed true joy in his expression. His hearts swelled and he grinned back, Vic’tor’s happiness infectious. He hoped Vic’tor would share the supreme gift of his body soon, and allow Haltrax to show him that a bright future was ahead for all of them. However, as the triad got dressed to make their way to the loading docks, they didn’t see an urgent transmission appear in their starlog paid for by the Tycoon of Tieqiú 9, Tiger Chu.
Tieqiú 9, Sector MZ14
Dogstar Meteorite Mines, Inc.
A disembodied howl ripped through the air as Tiger Chu snubbed out his cigarette underneath his charcoal-black boot. He brushed back his equally dark bangs, revealing a jagged scar that ran from his left eye down the right side of his neck. He crossed the desert surrounding his mining company slowly, not in any type of hurry to end the suffering of his latest victim. He’d been off running errands on the other side of the galaxy when word got out two of his servants fled. Thankfully, Chu was able to recover one of his assets before they could vanish into deep space. But, one was still missing. And, every minute Victorio Chu wasn’t in the mines working off his debt, he was costing his master time and energy to hunt him down. Time and energy Tiger Chu didn’t want to spend when it could be put into running his business more efficiently. If it were any other miner, Chu might’ve hired a mercenary to kill Victorio and cut his loses. But Victorio was different. He knew too much about Tiger Chu and his operation. He was going to find Victorio no matter what it took, and make him rue the day he decided to betray his master.
"Well, well. What a sight for sore eyes. My boy, Nova." Chu smirked as he entered a dingy shed on the outskirts of his property, his teeth yellowed from years of hard liquor and tobacco. His robotic left eye honed in on Nova’s trembling body curled in the fetal position on the dirt floor. The twenty-one-year-old’s honey brown skin was littered with whips marks and bruises, his wispy dark brown curls matted with blood. Nova’s wrists and ankles were bound in front of him with electrified cuffs. Chu remembered the day he had to cut Nova’s tongue out of his mouth for daring to question him in front of a client. The boy had been quiet ever since, working off his debt, doing what he was supposed to do. At least, that’s what Chu had thought until Nova and Victorio executed their escape.
Overhead, a message was blaring from speakers all over the mines, airing simultaneously on every wavelength in the galaxy, "Galactic authorities are requesting all active rangers to assist in locating indentured miner VICTORIO CHU of TIEQIÚ NINE. He has been declared a fugitive by his owner, galaxy renowned tycoon TIGER CHU of DOGSTAR METEORITE MINES, INCORPORATED. The bounty for his safe return has risen to ten million credits."
The transmission was music to Chu’s ears. Ten million credits was nothing compared to the secrets Victorio was hiding on his behalf. Once I know for certain he didn’t snitch, Chu thought as he pulled out his hunting knife, I’ll gut him just like his friend. Chu walked forward and squatted down before lifting the tip of Nova’s broken jaw with the edge of the knife. Nova sobbed uncontrollably, pleading with his eyes for mercy that wouldn’t come. Tiger Chu wasn’t a man to be crossed.
"Instead of killing you right now, because that would be such a waste of your talents," Chu began as he cracked his neck, "I’ll use you as bait to bring out the other little rat who jumped ship. I always collect a debt, Nova. Now, it’s time to pay your share. And once I find your friend, hm, we’ll have a wonderful reunion..."
Space Rangers: Under the command of the Galactic Federation, they act as universal police. However, the chain of command is highly corrupt, and Rangers are often brought off by career criminals for favors. Their encrypted transmissions, called starlogs, are often replicated in movies, and have become a colloquial term for adventure films.
Tieqiú 9: One of tweleve artificial prison planets that house criminals and indentured servants who owe extraordinary debts. The ninth planet is overseen by Tiger Chu
, international mobster and CEO of Dogstar Meteorite Mines, Inc. Due to a high frequency of injuries, the ninth planet’s doctors are pioneers in cybernetic fusion, surgeries that combine human tissue with nanobots to expedite healing. Qiú is slang for a vast array of dialects spoken by the various species imprisoned or indentured on the planets. Uelran-7, a universal language created by the Galactic Federation, is the most common second language of residents. Their calendar is guided by solar rotations. Indetured servants often pay of their debts through a combination of hard labor, sex work, and finding wealthy spouses through galacticmates.ag sponsered by the Tycoons of Tieqiú.
Deltrax: An inhospitable ice giant ravaged by brutal winter storms. The residents of Deltrax live in connected tribes, and go through annual mating seasons called primes. Traditionally, matchmakers called mayvruen crossed tribal boundaries to find mates for goa’os, Those Who Can Bear Fruit, called a’tucks, Those Who Seed the Field. Unions, or marriages, are often polyarmous due to infertility issues over generations. Belima’ar, the Beloved, is a term commonly reserved for the goa’os of a union. The people of Deltrax are kept warm by the fur of woolly beasts called bertiuks, and their coronas, a colored aura that denotes lineage and powers their telepathic abilities. Their calendar is guided by lunar rotations, and they celebrate their supermoon, Delnon’s, successful celestial cycle during the annual Tri-Lunar Festival.
BIO: Iris Sword writes speculative LGBTQIA+ romance (horror, science fiction, and fantasy). Want the latest news? Sign up for her newsletter at www.irissword.com.