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"Hey..." Victorio mumbled, overwhelmed by the prospect of marrying whatever the hell X was.
"Mayvruen." A much deeper voice came barreling down the black void behind X. Soon after, two figures emerged from the shadows. Both beings looked male and humanoid, with one head, two arms, two legs, and two eyes. Each stood over six feet tall, Victorio reasoned as he was a little under six feet himself. Their clothing was elaborate, white space suits that hugged their muscular bodies, shoulders covered in lavish, snow white fur capes with matching fur hats. Whatever animal they’d skinned to make them must have been huge, because the fur was thicker than anything Victorio had ever seen. On their shoulders were gold medallions pinning each side of the capes, though Victorio couldn’t read the alien language on them. What stood out the most about them, however, wasn’t their clothing or humanoid shape. It was the color of their skin. One was purple and the other black, but each alien emitted a faint color that swirled around their bodies like mist.
"Holy shit!" Victorio covered his mouth, embarrassed. He had to admit, these men were more pleasing on the eye. But, he was also confused how X could be two men. Who else would be at the bay to greet him? Though, the slimeball was still in the running to be his fiancé and could speak Qiú.
The bearded purple alien with a matching lavender-colored aura stepped forward first. He cocked his head to the side, before extending his left hand. Victorio hoped a handshake meant the same on Deltrax, and went to grab his hand. Instead of shaking it, the alien tugged Victorio to his feet and into his chest. He gasped as Lavender placed Victorio’s hand over his chest, the alien’s free hand on Victorio’s waist. Victorio could feel three hearts beating in the stranger's chest.
"Belima’ar," the alien began, "You honor us."
"Who the fuck is bellymare?" Victorio wondered out loud, disturbed by how overly familiar he was acting with him. Or, was that the custom in Deltrax? Victorio doubted it. he would be covered in green slime by now if that were the case. So, he put his credits on these new aliens being X.
Before Xa’baar could respond, the beardless black alien stepped forward. He was glaring, and for the life of him, Victorio couldn’t understand why. He circled the pair until he was behind Victorio, sandwiching him in-between their bodies. The heat rolling from their skin and furs was almost unbearable, but Victorio had to admit he preferred it to the cold.
"You, Vic’tor. You are Belima’ar. Greetings." The alien with the lemon-lime colored aura stated matter-of-factly, his tone dry as the deserts back home.
"Mayvruen!" Lemon-Lime bellowed in a foreign tongue. The blob rolled until it was beside the trio.
"Gooood! Now, for the ceremony to unite you all under the law of this land…" Preacher Blob trailed off, switching from Qiú to another language.
"Deltrax," Lavender began, "Sector VX19." Lemon-Lime finished his sentence.
What the hell? How can they all speak Qiú? What the fuck is going on? Victorio was starting to panic.
"Yeeees. Deltrax, Sector VX19. Repeat after me! I..." Preacher Blob’s body shivered, causing Victorio to gag.
"Space Ranger Xa'baar Ilaura," the bearded alien began, "and I, Space Ranger Haltrax Vuron," the beardless alien finished once again.
"Wait! Y’all are space cops? Fuck me!" Victorio groaned, tugging the sides of his cropped hair in dismay. He wondered what kind of cosmic punishment he just ran into? He was about to marry not one, but two officers of the galactic law? Three celestial cycles of freedom on that transporter wasn't worth the eons of jail he'd face when they discovered his secret. Or worse, death at the hands of his not-so-former master Tiger Chu if they turned him in for the bounty Chu most definitely placed on his head.
"So soon?" Haltrax bent forward, pressing his green lips to Victorio’s into his right ear, "The ceremony comes first, goa’o."
All Victorio could do was blink in surprise, unable to turn around to punch the jack-ass in his face.
"Ssh!" Xa'baar ordered.
"...I?" Three of the blob’s eyes zoned in on Victorio.
"I-I, Victorio...Ilaura Vuron?" He hesitated, afraid to give out his last name. Victorio flinched as both mens’ auras intensified, so bright it was almost blinding.
"Gooood! Swear to unionize under the authority of the Galactic Federation, and the blessing of Deltrax’s government, in perpetual bliss, until death breaks our bond." Preacher Blob switched to the foreign language after finishing the vows in Victorio’s. Both men responded in their tongue while Victorio mumbled his reply. Seemingly satisfied, the blob began rolling back towards the loading bays, leaving Victorio behind. And just like that, Victorio was officially married. At least, he thought he was.
"Belima’ar." Xa’baar grinned, "It’s time to depart."
"My name is Victorio, not bellymare." He huffed, pulling himself out of their suffocating embrace. The men looked to one another, their eyes sparking with light every so often. Victorio wondered if they were communicating telepathically, momentarily afraid they could read his mind. But, that didn’t seem to be the case as they turned to look at him. If they could read his mind, they’d divorce him on the spot. Victorio’s thoughts were spiraling out of control preparing back up plan, after back up plan, in case they decided to arrest him now that Preacher Blob was gone. What if they’re undercovers? But, Chu didn’t know where I was heading. There’s no way he caught up with me so fast...right?
"Anything else." Haltrax waved his hand towards his backpack.
"No! Just...me." Victorio scrambled to grab his bag before Haltrax could. Haltrax’s frown turned into a jagged scowl, as Xa’baar’s gaze hardened.
Victorio scowled back at both of them, holding his backpack around his stomach like a shield, "Sorry to disappoint..."
Victorio was surprised by how much their obvious disappointment worried him. They barely knew each other. But something about seeing his "fated mates" looking so forlorn after cycles of sweet talk cut him deep. Sure, he got two meal tickets for the price of one, but they were space cops! If they did a little digging, they would know he wasn’t supposed to be here. Shuffling awkwardly, Victorio turned to watch the matchmaker roll towards the loading bay with desperation. What have I gotten myself into?
"What the hell are you doing?" Victorio shouted, snapping out of his thoughts as Haltrax picked him up bridal-style like he weighed nothing.
"Carry. Vic’tor weak. Thin." He said, scowling deeper if that was even possible.
"C-Can walk!" Victorio squeaked in broken Qiú before he corrected himself, "I mean, I can walk damn it! Put me down!"
Haltrax turned to stare at Xa’baar, sharing another of their creepy telepathic moments, before Haltrax stated, "No."
And that was that. Ignoring Victorio’s protests, Xa’baar took Victorio’s backpack away, and the newlywed triad disappeared into the darkness of the mountainous cave.
✦ ✦ ✦
Deltrax, Sector VX19
Ilaura’s and Vuron’s Private Quarters
"Home." Victorio yawned, having fallen asleep in Haltrax’s arms as they wandered through a maze of interconnected tunnels. Victorio looked to Xa’baar who was smiling as he repeated himself, "Home...Vic’tor."
Victorio nodded, allowing Haltrax to place him on his feet with great care. Being pampered was so foreign to him, he didn’t know if to thank him or to expect punishment when he stepped through the chrome double doors. Cautiously, Victorio walked inside, amazed. Just as X, well, the X’s had promised, they could definitely take care of all of his needs and then some. Seeing as their home was built inside of a cave, Victorio thought it would be a dump like his old bunker. Far from it, their unit was hyper-modern, containing all the latest tech on the market. The common area had a futuristic kiln in the center, keeping the whole house warm. The furniture was minimalist in style, small, compact, and gray. There looked to be two rooms and a tunnel leading to another section of the cave.
"You adore?" Xa’baar asked, shutting the door behind him by pressing a holographic k
eypad. Haltrax stood near Victorio, watching his facial expressions quietly.
"Hell yes! This shit is nice!" Nicer than anything I’ve ever lived in, Victorio added silently.
His husbands looked at each other for what felt like the millionth time that night, obviously confused. It was times like these Victorio wished Tiger Chu allowed him to go to school. He’d picked up some Uelran-7 here and there, the universal language of the trio’s shared galaxy. But, he couldn’t string a coherent sentence together to convey what he felt even if his life depended on it.
"Shower." Haltrax broke the strained silence, pointing to one of the rooms. Victorio nodded, walking over to the door. He waited and waited until Haltrax came up behind him and placed his palm over a projected keypad. The door opened to reveal a glass cylinder and metallic floor. Victorio looked around for a place to take off his clothes in private, and found none. He figured the other room was the bedroom, and it would also require some sort of keycode or bioscan. Sighing, he slowly unhooked his overalls and let them fall to the floor. Closing his eyes, he tried not to think of the men staring at him as he removed his only pair of clean underwear, goggles, work gloves, and his dirty shirt. Then, he stepped into the shower pod and waited for further instruction. When none came, he peeked and instantly regretted his decision. Both men crowded in front of the shower unit, their cocks straining against their jumpsuits. Victorio’s breath hitched as the men began removing their furs, boots, and clothing. Victorio tried not to hone in on Xa’baar’s massive purple cock, or question why he was purple all over while only streaks of green covered Haltrax’s mahogany skin and equally massive black cock. Are they going to dick me down before I can even wash my ass? Victorio didn’t want to admit the idea was turning him on as he cupped his cock and balls to hide his growing erection.
However, instead of pouncing, Xa’baar pressed a sequence of buttons after the men entered, and a glass door slid into place.
"Forgive us…" Xa’baar struggled to find the right words to say in Qiú, "Bel...Vic’tor. Must sanitize. All must sanitize."
Oh, Victorio thought, face flushing, embarrassed. He was a mail order groom from a backwater planet. Victorio could be carrying some superbug from the transporter. Or, the clouds of green and purple mist surrounding his husbands could be filled with deadly microbes. Spreading infectious diseases was all too common when people came into contact with offworlders for the first time.
"Okay?" Haltrax’s baritone voice cut through his thoughts, handing him a piece of cloth.
"Yes…" Victorio went silent again as streams of hot water and soap hit his naked body from every direction. His feet lifted off the grounds, and they all quietly washed themselves in the altered gravity inside of the pod. Showering with his husbands so soon after meeting was embarrassing. Still, Victorio tried his best to put on a facade of gratitude. What good would it do to seem ungrateful? They hadn’t hurt him...yet. If anything, they’d been overly cautious and overly nice. The least he could do was not come off as a paranoid bitch.
"Sanitization process complete!" The shower system chirped in Uelran-7. Hearing a familiar phrase made Vicotrio feel at ease. It reminded him of his weekly showers back home when he returned from the mines.
"Vic’tor?" Haltrax asked as then men landed on the floor.
"Y-Yes." Victorio felt like a glitching hologram, repeating the same phrase over and over again. Now that they were all squeaky clean, and hopefully disease free, that meant one of two things in Victorio’s mind. They were either about to get some rest or consummate their marriage. As he gazed down at his husbands’ dripping erections, Victorio put his credits on consummation. Maybe he was just horny after being cooped up in the lower levels of a transporter for cycles on end. Either way, the air was charged, and something was about to go down inside of the pod. Pointing his eyes at the floor, Victorio shuffled in-between the men. They seemed to like that position if their whirlwind wedding was any indication.
"Who hurt?" Victorio turned to face Haltrax when he asked the strange question, the green tip of his cock pressing against his stomach. Without a word, Haltrax grabbed Victorio’s chin. He tipped Victorio’s head backward, as if to observe him.
"...Who hurt?" Haltrax asked again, his voice pitching lower, shocked. Victorio was lost until Xa’baar’s fingers brushed against his serial number branded into his lower back, a crude reminder of how he paid to get to Deltrax. It was one of many old scars on his body, all of which told an awful story. Haltrax’s free hand grazed the elaborate tattoos covering Victorio’s heart and upper stomach. It started with the Qiú symbol for Tieqiú, surrounded by a circle of Qiú representing the ninth planet, as well as Victorio’s date of birth and date of sale. Three marks on the outer ring translated to, "Property of Tiger Chu." And, a line underneath it all represented how much he owed his master, one-hundred million credits plus cyclical interest. It was a permanent reminder of his indenture, his absolute dependence on Chu for survival, and the fact that Chu owned him until he paid off his dead parents’ enormous debts.
"Who hurt?" It finally dawned on Victorio that Haltrax was asking who hurt him as Xa’baar’s hand landed on a recent scar on his hip. After fighting off some assholes trying to steal his bunk in the transporter, one of the guard’s phasers hit him. Just thinking about the incident sent shockwaves of pain shooting up Victorio’s hip. How was he supposed to begin explaining to them all the people who had hurt him when his grasp of Uelran-7 was abysmal, and his command of their dialect nonexistent? Without anyway to say what he wanted to say, Victorio, Xa’baar, and Haltrax stood in silence yet again.
Damn it, Victioro cursed mentally. How are we going to...do anything without the translator here? In the starlogs, actors make it look so easy. You land on a foreign planet, pop a translator in, and do your business. In the real world, chips are expensive and school isn’t free. There’s not enough time in the day or night to explain my fucked up situation to them.
"It’s not important. What’s important right now is in front of me...and, well, behind me." Victorio tried to smile, wrapping his arms around Haltrax’s neck. What was the point of dwelling on the past when he was doing his best to move on and make a future with these strange alien men? Victorio went up on his toes to kiss him, to do what he always did when things got tough, drown out his emotions with sex, drugs, or both. Haltrax didn’t respond to Victorio’s advances, allowing his new mate to press their lips together awkwardly before grabbing him by his hair. Victorio whinced, so Haltrax relaxed his grip.
"Stay still." Haltrax moaned.
"What are you doing?" Adrenaline shot through Victorio’s veins as the men closed in on him, their heat literally evaporating the water left on his body.
"We are...fucking you, at your request." Haltrax smirked, bending forward to kiss Victorio properly. His tongue pressed against his lips, demanding entrance. Victorio granted it, feeling drunk from the heat. Haltrax wasted no time, lavishing his new mate with affection, his lips passionate,and firm. Victorio gasped as Xa’baar traced his neck with his tongue, before sinking to to his knees and parting Victorio’s cheeks. Victorio’s toes curled as his tongue entered his ass, Xa’baar’s calloused thumb pressing inside of him, opening him wide. It was all so sudden, but somehow felt so right. Victorio couldn’t remember a time in his life he’d been so ready to have a man fuck him senseless, let alone two horny cops packing some serious heat in more ways than one.
"Experienced?" Haltrax asked, pulling away as Victorio’s panting filled the pod. He took Victorio’s cock into his hand as well as his, rubbing them together, moaning harshly.
"Huh?" Victorio could barely pull himself out of the fog clouding his mind, "No, I’m not a virgin."
"...V’rgin?" Haltrax’s rough hand sped up, playfully torturing the tip of Victorio’s cock with the palm of his other hand. Xa’baar continued prepping Victorio, his tongue and thumb so deep in his ass, Victorio vaguely wondered if he could hit his prostate and make him come all over Haltrax’s che
st? He’d bend over and lick it up, suck their big cocks, longing for them to gag him, spank him, and… And… Victorio was overheating, and he couldn’t understand why he felt so funny inside. Maybe they’re space wizards and space cops because whatever this feeling is, this heat burning me up inside, it’s not normal...
"I’ve...fucked before." Victorio sighed, tensing as Haltrax focused on his nipple instead of the head of his cock. He pulled punishingly hard, before massaging it, his hand going up and down their cocks rhythmically. Haltrax and Xa’baar’s teasing hands and tongues were driving Victorio up the wall. He needed something bigger, something harder inside of his mouth and ass. Now!
"Hmmm… Not right word. Are you unmated without a child?" Haltrax rephrased his question, sinking to his knees as Xa’baar suddenly stopped and stood. The question threw Victorio for a loop. Of course he expected to have children with them, they’d gone on and on about fertility in their transmissions. After a freak accident, Victorio inherited an artificial womb when his crushed lower half was replaced with a donor’s through cybernetic fusion. So, they could have all the babies they wanted. Still, he didn’t want to think about getting knocked up while they pounded his ass into oblivion.
"Do you wish to be mounted?" Xa’baar asked in almost perfect Qiú, lining his cock up with his entrance.
"Mounted? Yes?" To tell the truth, Victorio didn’t mind who he was sleeping with, or how they did it, topping or bottoming as long as his partner was a beast in bed. But it was something about these men that made him want to lie back and take whatever they would give. Victorio flinched, crying out as Haltrax’s long, thick tongue wrapped around his throbbing cock. Shit, he knows how to suck.
"Do not fear me." Xa’baar cooed, pushing the head of his cock inside of Victorio’s ass while his hand wrapped around Victorio’s throat. Xa’baar kissed the side of his face, near Victorio’s open lips, while Haltrax sucked Victorio dry, clutching Victorio’s thick cheeks, staring into his eyes the whole time. Victorio was certain he’d catch fire any minute, lust and fear warring in his gut as he was pinned between them.